
Showing posts from 2019

Σαν Φως - Υπόγεια Ρεύματα

Το φως να παίρνει τη ματιά ο χώρος τα όνειρά σου και τα νερά του ποταμού να σε τραβάν μακριά ό,τι κι αν ονειρεύτηκες να φεύγει από κοντά σου να απλώνεις μα τα χέρια σου να πέφτουνε βαριά  Και τι δε μου `χες ορκιστεί και τι δε μου `χες τάξει μα τώρα η απουσία μου σε κάνει και ξεχνάς δέσε καλά τις μαγικές στιγμές μας με μετάξι και φώτισε τον ουρανό σχήμα της μοναξιάς Χωρίς πνοή χωρίς ματιά μόνο με τα όνειρά μου με τρόχισαν οι άνεμοι που πάντα κυνηγώ αυτοί που με ορίζουνε αυτοί που με πετάνε αυτοί που με τινάζουνε στον τοίχο στο κενό Κορμί που σχίζεται στα δυο στα βράχια του αοράτου μνήμες θολές και μια γλυκιά λήθη της λησμονιάς στης μοναξιάς τον κόκκινο από αίμα πίδακά του που ξεπετάγεται σαν φως που φέγγει της στεριάς Το μαγικό στου φεγγαριού ονειροπόλημά σου το `χεις ξεχάσει κι είν' αργά καιρός να κοιμηθείς με κάποιον που δεν τον χωρά η μαγική αγκαλιά σου τις ώρες που περάσαμε μαζί θα μοιραστείς Μα εγώ πονώ για σένανε και σιωπηλά υποφέρω μήπως τα μάτια ...

The Funeral - Band of Horses

I'm coming up only to hold you under I'm coming up only to show you wrong And to know you is hard, we wonder To know you, all wrong we were Really too late to call, so We wait for Morning to wake you, that's all we got To know me as hardly golden Is to know me all wrong, they were At every occasion, I'll be ready for the funeral Every occasion, once more, it's called the funeral Every occasion, know I'm ready for the funeral Every occasion, oh, one billion-day funeral I'm coming up only to show you down, for I'm coming up only to show you wrong To the outside the dead leaves, they're on the lawn Before they died, had trees to hang their hope At every occasion, I'll be ready for the funeral Every occasion, once more, it's called the funeral Every occasion, know I'm ready for the funeral Every occasion, oh, one billion-day funeral

Lady Grey - Katzenjammer

Lady Grey, you tell a smile What is your secret, what's your lie? You lived a long, hard life Your memory may fade, but you're still wise I wonder where you've been What you've accomplished, what you've seen In such a long, hard life Did you ever dance, were you someone's wife?   Take me, take me away Way back to the days when you were Crazy, crazy for living Oh, sweet twenty-nine And you looked fine And you looked fine   Lady Grey, dressed up so nice Where do you go when you close your eyes? Do you hear the words I say And can you remember yesterday? What do you comprehend? Can you even feel me in your hand? Lady Grey, with your knockout smile Hoping you feel it was worth the while   Take me, take me away Way back to the days when you were Crazy, crazy for living Oh, sweet twenty-nine And you looked fine You looked fine   Lady Grey, no doubt that time Has withered your hands, but still your smile Is as sparkling as way back when You broke ...